We have 12 years of experience teaching Spanish language in Tallinn.

We have 5 teachers from Spain, who have a university degree in Spanish language teaching.

We are the only school with a wide selection of original movies with subtitles in Spanish, which can be borrowed free of charge to our students. This includes more than 100 movies.

We have the largest Spanish Library, more than any university in Estonia. The collection includes books from children’s books to great masterpieces. Rent literature is free of charge to our students.

We are the only place in which various cultural events are organized every week, about the Spanish regions and communities, and nations, past, present, and future. We are not just a documentary or a film showing, but a person knowing about this topic will lead the activity. Participation is free of charge to our students, and this is one good way to see Spain in addition to language lessons.

We organize parties by offering typical Spanish drinks like sangria (wine and fruit drink) and traditional dishes such as tortilla de patatas or paella (rice dish). All this is completely free of charge to our students.

Picasso and the Baltics collective of professionals who work with teaching methods being developed for the special needs of our students. We are an organization with more than 30 professionals of the Spanish Language. We started in Tallinn and now we are located in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus and Russia.

The Picasso Center’s educational work is organized by Keelekeskus Picasso OÜ. The company has signed an agreement with the European ERASMUS PLUS program and the Spanish center and the University of Valladolid.

We are the only school that offers free private lessons students who are absent from classes for good reason. When students fall behind their peers to the group, their learning will be limited. To avoid this, we offer students private lessons as to achieve the same level of their fellow group members

We are the only school in Estonia, which organizes summer courses in Spanish language in Spain. Every summer a summer course in Spain goes from 25 to 35 students from Tallinn to the Centro Picasso. Summer courses will be held in the beautiful picturesque town of Malaga. The students of Picasso get a discount!

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